NEC SV Series - Enterprise Trunking

The NEC SV8100 has been tested and approved for Enterprise SIP Trunking with Cloud Kinnekt.

The below is the basic programming required for the use with the Enterprise Trunk.

P: 10-28

01: Enter

03: UDP

04: Username provided by Cloud Kinnekt (SV8100 Only)

05: IP Address or DNS Address

P: 10-29

01: Enable

02: Enable

03: Enter

04: 5060

05: Manual

06: Enter

07: 5060

14: Carrier B

15: Enter 120

16: Make sure this is un-ticked

P: 10-30

**Not Used in SV9100, SV2100

02: Username provided by Cloud Kinnekt 

03: Password provided by Cloud Kinnekt

P: 26-01

01: Tick ARS Service

P: 26-02

Enter as per table

P: 26-02

Enter as per table

P: 26-02

Enter as per table


01: Enter D0202RE

P: 44-05

01: Priority 1 = 1

08: Priority 1 = 1

09: Priority 1 = 10

P: 21-17/19

Enter CLI per trunk or extension in 0+nsn


NSW/ACT: 02xxxxxxxx

VIC: 03xxxxxxxx

QLD: 07xxxxxxxx

SA/NT/WA: 08xxxxxxxx