Remote Access

This service enables users to access the system from remote locations and authenticate to their personal extensions so they can make calls as if they were using their office phone.

    • Usage

To use this feature a DID or IVR option needs to be set to 'Remote Access' and the destination field set to 'Destinations'.

  • CallerID

To authenticate via CLI and not have to enter your extension number, enter numbers from which you will be calling in from.

  • PIN

By ticking this the extension PIN will be required to be entered to gain remote access.

  • Require Extension PIN

If not CallerID is enter it is recommended that this be ticked so that the extension PIN is required to be entered before gaining remote access. If not any caller will have remote access.

  • Timeout

Time out in seconds.

  • Dial Options

Advanced dial options for all incoming calls. See Dial Options for more information.