
Contact Centre

Agent Statistics

Agent statistics display a comprehensive and detailed array of agent details.

NOTE: Upon clicking the Show button, you will be prompted to the Reports page, and in the upper left corner, you may get more details about the preferred Report. If you hover your mouse over the Start date and End date rows displayed, you can see when the report was last generated. "Generated at" relies on the system time. Other rows are changed depending on the Report Template chosen.

Report Description

Queue Statistics

Queue statistics display a comprehensive and detailed array of queue details.

NOTE: Upon clicking the Show button, you will be prompted to the Reports page, and in the upper left corner, you may get more details about the preferred Report. If you hover your mouse over the Start date and End date rows displayed, you can see when the Report was last generated. "Generated at" relies on the system time. Other rows are changed depending on the Report Template chosen.

Report Description

Dialer Statistics

Dialer statistics display a comprehensive and detailed array of Dialer details.

NOTE: Upon clicking the Show button, you will be prompted to the Reports page, and in the upper left corner, you may get more details about the preferred Report. If you hover your mouse over the Start date and End date rows displayed, you can see when the Report was last generated. "Generated at" relies on the system time. Other rows are changed depending on the Report Template chosen.

Report Description

Scheduled Reports

Scheduled reports are extended from Agent, Queue, and Dialer reports. Users can select a specific type of report template when creating scheduled reports. Users can create Queue, Agent, and Dialer report templates. Each report template has different filters that can be applied while editing.

Add/Edit Report


NOTE: The correct way to enter multiple e-mails is with ";" as a separator or "," and space as a separator.

If the user selects a CSV type of file to be attached, another CSV file will be created automatically. These files will be zipped and sent through an email. Type of scheduled report + ‘_breakdown’ will be the name of the new CSV file, and it will contain additional information about the selected report.

(E.g., If the user selects the type ‘Agent direct in calls’ for the report, inside the zipped folder will be two CSV files, agentdirectin.csv, and agentdirectin_breakdown.CSV).

NOTE: Please be aware that some schedule reports share the same type of information, so breakdowns for those reports will be the same.



The configuration will change depending on which type of report (Queue/Agent/Dialer) is selected.

Filters for Agent Reports

Filters for Queue Reports

The 'Filters' section for Queue Reports contain three additional fields: 'Queue', 'Caller', and 'DID'.

NOTE: Calls per DID are all filtered by default.

Filters for Dialer Reports

The 'Filters' section for Dialer Reports contains one additional field: 'Campaigns'.


NOTE: This field is populated by default.