Call Screening
This feature will offer Call Screening of all incomming calls. When someone calls the extension, the caller will be presented with a choice of the following two options
Say their name and wait for the call to be accepted by one of the destination numbers
Leave a voicemail message
NOTE: This feature is not available by default and needs to be enabled for the tennant.
How Call Screening Operates
Incomming call is answered by the CloudPBX and the 'Call Screening Preamble' is played. The caller then has the option to
Press 1 to connect the call
Press 2 to leave a voicemail message
If the caller wants to be connected the 'Call Screening Greeting' is played and the caller records a short message to be played to the destinations when the call is answered.
When a destination answers the user has the option to
Press 1 to take the call
Press 2 to redirect call to extensions voicemail box
Press 3 to transfer the call to another number
Press 4 to record a short message to play to caller before sending the call to voicemail.
If the caller wants to leave a voicemail message, they will be redirected to the extension's voicemail box.
Enter the destination to be dialled. More destinations can be added by clicking '+' on the right.
Number of seconds before destination is dialed.
Toggles if calls are to be delivered to destination.
Time out in seconds before call is considered not answered and delivered to 'Last Destination'.
Dial Options
Advanced dial options for all incoming calls. See Dial Options for more information.
Dial Type
Simultaneous - All destinations will ring at the same time.
Sequential - Each destination will ring one at the time, after the timeout call will move to next destination in line.
Replace Caller ID
Enter caller ID which will be presented to destinations.
Preamble will be played when the call is first answered by the CloudPBX. Recording file name must start with "pivr-" in order to be displayed in the list.
This Greeting is played to caller after they press 1 to be connected. Recording file name must start with "pivr_" in order to be displayed in the list.
NOTE: Preamble file name uses '-' and Greeting uses '_'
Pause Before Recording
Number of seconds to pause before the recorded caller name is played.
Max Recording Length
Maximum length of recording in seconds.
Greeting With Name
If this option is set to yes, the name of the extension stored in voicemail will be played to caller if available.
Last Destination
This is the destination that is called if all others from the 'Destination' list do not answer. If this destination is voicemail tick ‘Is Voicemail’.