Pin-Based IVR
PIN-based IVR allows dialing local/remote destinations by providing a pre-set IVR PIN number.
PIN: IVR PIN number (ex. 55555)
Description: IVR PIN short description (ex. Remote Cell)
Expiry date: PIN expiry date (ex. 31-01-2007)
Destination: Destination dialed once the IVR PIN is provided (ex. 061505139)
Edits the IVR PIN configuration (ex. Click to edit the IVR PIN configuration)
Deletes the IVR PIN settings from the system (ex. Click to delete the IVR PIN settings from the system)
TIP: If the item is grayed out and the 'Expiry date' field underlined, that PIN has expired.
By selecting the 'Search' Command, the search menu will be displayed. Searches can be done by PIN numbers
Search: Search phrase (ex. Provide a search phrase here and hit enter to filter the records).
PIN: Should search filter be applied to PIN numbers (ex. Check the box to search PIN numbers)
Your may upload a .csv file with multiple PIN and Destination codes in one step. Click the 'Browse' button and select the .csv file on your computer. Then just click the 'Upload' button to add new PIN codes to CloudPBX.
Upload CSV
Sample .csv file:
10002,John Smith Cell,31-01-2007,061555109
20002,George Nimara Home,31-01-2007,032246509
Add/Edit PIN
To manually add an IVR PIN code, click the 'Add PIN' button on top. The following options will be displayed.
PIN: Unique IVR PIN number. This PIN number is provided once requested by IVR. A correctly supplied PIN will make CloudPBX dial the 'Destination' number. (ex. John dials local IVR (1003) and is asked to provide a PIN. He enters PIN (55555) and CloudPBX dials the number provided under the 'Destination' field).
Description: Short description of the IVR PIN. This description is used for describing the Destination number (ex. 'John's cell phone', or '21255510205')
Expiry date: All PIN codes can be valid until a certain date. You are strongly encouraged to set the expiration date by clicking on the 'Calendar' icon, next to the 'Expiry date' field and selecting a desired date. The date can be provided manually in the following form 'dd-mm-yyyy'. Accessing the PIN after the 'Expiry date' will be impossible. (ex. If this field is set to expire on 31-01-2007. All IVR calls made with this PIN by this date will be passed through the Destination number. Calls after the expiration date will not be made).
Destination: Ten digit destination number dialed once the IVR PIN is provided (ex. Provide a 10 digit number here e.g. 1555102057. Once the IVR PIN is provided, a call will be made to it).