Multi-Digit IVR

The only difference between standard and multi-digit IVRs is that the latter accepts two or more digits as a response (numbers between 10-100 for example), therefore providing a wider range of options.

IVR Access Codes

This screen lists all system Multi-digit DIDs with the following details:

Access Code: Multi-digit IVR access code (ex. 22)

Description: Access code description (ex. desc goes here)

Extension: Extension where call will be transferred to (ex. 1004)

Edits the IVR configuration (ex. Click to edit IVR configuration).

Deletes an IVR from the system (ex. Click to delete an IVR from the system).


Search Access Codes (ex. Provide a search phrase here and hit enter to filter the records).

Access Code: Should search filter be applied to access codes (ex. Check the box to search access codes).

Add/Edit Access Code

Access code: Option dialed from the Multi-digit IVRs that will transfer user to CloudPBX 'Extension' number (ex. John enters the Multi-digit IVR and dials this 'Access Code' (e.g. 99). When John dials 99, he will be transferred to CloudPBX 'Extension' number).

Description: A short Description of this access code and its destination. This information is viewed only by the Administrator (ex. Once the administrators goes to the 'CloudPBX: Multi-digit IVR codes', a list of access codes, their descriptions and destination extensions will be displayed).

Extension: CloudPBX extension to which a call will be transferred to once the 'Access code' is dialed from the Multi-digit IVR (ex. John enters the multi-digit IVR and dials 99, which is set to lead to CloudPBX extension 1000. When John dials 99, he will be transferred to CloudPBX 'Extension' provided here).