ATA Auto Provisioning

Configure UAD

  • Enable and configure UAD for desired Grandstream ATA model

  • Load and configure UAD script to suit. A sample script is available by contacting Cloud Kinnekt support.

Create Extension

  • Configure CloudPBX extension as required

  • Enable Auto Provisioning

  • Add MAC of ATA to Auto Provisioning section for extension

  • To configure additional extensions on the ATA add the MAC to auto provisioning section for each extension.

NOTE: The ports will be registered in numerical order. eg x100 will be port one and x101 will be port two. If x100 was replaced by x103, x101 would become port one and x103 would become port two. Alternative to this registration details can be added into the UAD script to control extension to port mapping.

Configure Auto Provisioning in ATA

  • Login into ATA (default = U: admin P: admin)

  • Click Advanced Settings

  • Under Firmware Upgrade and Provisioning section

  • Upgrade Via = HTTPS

  • Firmware Server Path =

  • Config Server Path = Auto Provision server address eg "CloudPBXURL/prov"

  • HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS User Name = Auto Provision Username

  • HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/FTPS Password = Auto Provision Password - NOTE: Once saved this field will be empty, it does not display **** as per entering the password

  • Scroll to bottom of page

  • Click Apply

  • Click Advanced Settings

  • Scroll to bottom of page

  • Click Reboot

Confirming Registration

  • After the ATA has rebooted it will check for a newer firmware. If a newer firmware is available it will be upgraded. This can take 5-10 mins to complete. All lights will flash on the ATA to indicated that the firmware is being upgraded.

  • Once the ATA has finished booting the appropriate internet and port lights will be on

  • Registration can be checked

    • via the CloudPBX on the Monitor page

    • via the ATA on the Basic Settings page

CloudPBX Registration Status

ATA Registration Status