Add/Edit Queue

Adding/Editing a Queue

Queue Name: Unique queue network name/identifier (ex. Provide a unique queue identifier/name here)

Queue Number: Unique network queue number (ex. This number is to be dialed in order to access the queue)

Max Callers: Maximum number of callers allowed to wait in a queue at the same time. This number should be set in accordance with the number of members answering the queue calls (ex. If this field is set to 4, only 4 callers will be allowed to enter the queue. If caller number 5 tries to enter the queue he will be transferred to <%PRODUCT%> 'Redirect Extension' number).

Ring to Answer: How many rings will be played to a caller before call enters the queue.

Set this value to 0 if you would like calls to hear Queue music on hold as soon as call is connected.

Queue members and agents: This button opens up a screen in which you can add and manage queue members (ex. Click on the button to manage queue members)


Music On Hold: Select MOH(Music On Hold) class name. All sound files belonging to this MOH class will be played to users in queue (ex. User A enters the queue. After the greeting message is heard, all sound files belonging to selected MOH class are played in the background)

Call Group: Set the call group which the queue belongs to.

RTP Delay [sec]: Delay time in seconds inserted before the queue greeting message is played. This solves the 'half-played' file problem. Keep this value between 1-3 (ex. User A enters the queue and hears '..r call is first in line...' and wonders what was that.. what did the voice say!? Set this field to 1 so that 1 second pause is added before the message is played. Now, when user A enters the queue he will hear 'Your call is first in line...').

Replace Caller ID: Replace the caller id with the custom value (ex. Type 'Lobby - %CALLERID%' to display the caller id information as 'Lobby - 5552879' where 5552879 is the actual number calling in)

Language: Define custom language for all sound files played by the queue (ex. To play Spanish sound files to all users waiting in the queue, type 'es' here. NOTE: CloudPBX MT comes with English sound files by default. To install sound files in other languages, please see ' Settings: Protocols: Sip: Language' for more information)

Queue URL: Send the following URL to agents softphone, if it supports that option, and the softphone can open that URL so agent can see callers additional info if available. This option must be supported by softphone for it to be used. (ex. Additional info on Queue URL field can be obtained here)

Custom ring tone: Ring agent phones with custom ringtone set here (ex. <Simple-2>)

Operation Times

Set the queues open/closed times. Depending on the time when call is received, the call can be redirected to different CloudPBX MT destinations

Operation Times: Enable operation times (ex. Yes, No, Inherit)

The Inherit option will allow administrators to simply put the Higher Level Operation Times settings back into effect if deemed necessary. Previously, when Operation Times were set, it could be either turned on or off, but it could not be reset to use the Operation Times rules set on the higher level (Server or Tenant).

Default Destination: CloudPBX MT extension all calls are redirected to during the closed time hours (ex. 1000)

Greeting: Greeting sound file played to callers during the closed times (ex. greeting-***)

Description of destinations follows in this priority order:

Redirect Extension

Redirect Extension: Max callers redirect extension number (ex. If queue 2000 accepts a maximum of 4 users waiting at the same time, any new user that enters queue 2000 will be redirected to the extension number provided here)

Redirect to Voice Mail: Choose whether the redirect extension is a voicemail

Queue Timers

Queue Ring Timeout: Number of seconds during which the members will be rung, after which the Position Announcement will be played to the caller, if it is enabled (ex. Members extensions are ringing for 10 seconds. After that time, Position Announcement is played to caller and then Agent(s) are rung again).

Prioritize Queue Timeout: Used to control the priority of the two possible timeout options specified for a queue. Queue Ring Timeout field has a timeout value that can be specified to control the absolute time a caller can be in the queue. The timeout value in queues.conf controls the amount of time (along with retry) to ring a member for. Sometime these values conflict, so you can control which value takes precedence. The default N/A setting will use Queue Ring Timeout value, same as setting this to Yes. No will override Queue Ring Timeout field and use value from queues.conf.

Max Wait Seconds: Maximum time a caller can wait in a queue. Once this time is exceeded caller will be redirected to 'Max Wait Extension' number. (ex. User A is waiting 5 minutes already in the queue. If this field is set to 300(300s = 5min), A will be redirected to 'Max Wait Extension')

Max Wait Extension: This option works along with the 'Max Wait Seconds' field. Provide the extension to which caller will be redirected once time set under 'Max Wait Seconds' exceeds. (ex. User A is waiting 5 minutes already in the queue. If 'Max Wait Seconds' field is set to 300(300s = 5min), A will be redirected to this extension)

Is Voicemail: Set whether the max wait extension is pointing to voicemail.

Empty Queue

Join Empty: Set whether a caller can join a queue if no agent is logged in or unavailable


It is recommended to set this option to 'No'. Do not allow user to enter the queue if the call will not be answered by anyone. Following options are available:

When there are no agents inside a queue, callers will leave it depending on the setting


When queue doesn't have any agent logged in, redirect callers to following destination (ex. 7001)

Is Voicemail: Set whether the empty destination extension is pointing to voicemail.


Greeting: Select a greeting file to play to all callers waiting in a queue. (ex. Record a custom sound greeting file (e.g. 'All our representatives are busy...') and select that file. This file will be played to all callers once they enter the queue).

NOTE: File name has to be in the following format 'queue-greeting-$NAME.gsm'

Wait Seconds: Delay time in seconds inserted before playing the greeting message. This delay is useful when users do not hear the beginning of the greeting message. Keep this value between 1-3 seconds. (ex. John enters the sales queue, but cannot hear the beginning of a greeting sound file file (e.g. ..ur representatives are busy...). Set this option to 1. This will insert one second of silence before the greeting file is played and should fix the partial sound file error. Now, all callers entering the queue should hear the full greeting message (e.g. All our representatives are busy...))

Position Announcements

There are two types of position announcements: 'Hold Time' (Tells the queue position) and 'Periodic Announcements' (Plays custom message)

Announce Hold-Time: Enable callers waiting in a queue to hear the hold-time announcements. (ex. Setting this option to 'Yes' will enable the hold-time announcements. A single caller waiting in a queue would hear a 'Your call is now first in line and will be answered by the next available representative. Thank you for your patience' message).

Announce Frequency: How often to play the hold-time announcement message (time in seconds). (ex. If this field is set to 30, a single caller waiting in queue will hear 'Your call is now first in line and will be answered by the next available representative. Thank you for your patience' message every 30 seconds).

NOTE: If you set this option to '0', the announce message will not be played.

Min. Announce Frequency: The minimum number of seconds between position announcements. Default value is 15 seconds.

Announce Round Seconds: This feature rounds announcement minutes and seconds to specific format.

Periodic Announce: Select the sound file that is played periodically to callers waiting in a queue (ex. Record a message 'Hang in there buddy!' and set it as a periodic announcement. This message will be played to callers every 'Periodic Announce Frequency' seconds)

NOTE: File name has to be in the following format 'periodic-announce-$NAME.gsm'

Periodic Announce Frequency: Time interval in seconds at which the periodic message is to be played. (ex. If this field is set to 30, all callers waiting in queue will hear the 'Periodic Announce' message every 30 seconds, as long as they stay in the queue).

First Periodic Announce Delay: The minimum number of seconds between position announcements. Default value is 15 seconds.


Static Members login: This option defines whether the Extensions set as Static Members have to log in in order to become an active Queue member.

Set this option to No for Extensions added as Static Members of the Queue to automatically become active Queue members without needing to log in.

Disable Member Enhanced Services: When this option is set to Yes, features in extensions enhanced services used by queue static members and callback agents, will be avoided when queue call is passed to them.

In case extension used by queue member have Call Forwarding enabled, this service will be overriden and call would be connected to the queue member instead forwarded to set number.

NOTE: Dynamic agents, as well as static members with Login feature set to Yes, will never have Enhanced Services rules applied to their calls, regardless of what option is selected for Disable Member Enhanced Services feature. This is expected behavior and cannot be altered.

Ring Strategy: Set the way calls are transferred to queue members answering the calls.

Available options:

Ring Agents in Use: Whether agents in use should be called when a new caller comes into the queue (ex. If the agent is already in an active conversation, with this option set to 'Yes', the Agent extension will ring when a new caller enters the queue)

Member Delay: This field is the same as RTP Delay, only this option is set for the agent answering the queue calls. Before the call is transferred, custom queue information can be played to an agent so that the agent knows from which queue the call is coming. This solves the 'half-played' file problem. Keep this value between 1-3 (ex. Agent X is to answer the call coming from the queue. If the 'Queue Announce' is set to play the custom sound file ('This call comes from the Lobby Queue') but only '...s call comes...' is heard, set this field to 1 so that 1 second pause is added before the message is played and entire message is played 'This call comes from...')

Retry All Timeout: Time interval in seconds, for how long to wait before trying the queue agent again. (ex. If agent Smith cannot answer the incoming queue call and hangs up the ringing line, the call will not be transferred back to his extension for a time in seconds provided in this field).

Timeout Restart: If this option is set to yes and a BUSY or CONGESTION signal is received on the line, the agent's timeout for answering will be reset. This can be useful with agents that have permission to cancel a call with a reject. (ex. A call enters the queue and is transferred to Agent X. Agent X has a Polycom phone (for example) and sends a BUSY signal by hitting the 'Reject' key. This will reset the internal timer. The call will be transferred to other queue agent(s). The original agent will not be contacted until all other agents are tried and the call does not get answered by any of them).

Wrap-up Time: After a successful call, this will determine how long to wait (time interval in seconds) before sending a new call to a potentially free agent/member (ex. 4)

Agents Announce

Agent Announce: Select pre-recorded message that will be played to the agent before the call is connected.

NOTE: In order to be displayed in the drop down list, sound file must have 'agent-announce-' prefix.

Report Holdtime: Set this option to yes to inform the agent for how long caller was in queue before the call was connected.

CRM Features

New Lead URL: New Lead URL

If incoming call CallerID is unknown, it will be transferred to URL entered in New Lead URL field.


Record Queue Calls: Once this feature is activated, all queue calls will be recorded in the desired sound format. (ex. John enters the 'Sales' queue and is transferred to 'Queue Agent Smith'. Their entire conversation is recorded and available for review from 'Reports').

Incoming Options

Incoming Options Set the advanced queue call options.

Available options:

When 'r' is selected as Incoming Options and this timeout is used, queue will first ring entered number of seconds after which MOH will start (ex. 10)

Dial Options:

Exit Digit

Use Exit Digit: Should users be able to exit the queue by dialing a single digit and be automatically redirected to a preset CloudPBX destination.

Example: John enters the sales queue. A greeting message explains that the user may quit the queue by pressing the digit defined under the 'Exit Digit' option, and be transferred directly to the operator or some other destination (set under 'Extension' option).

Exit Digit: Define the exit digit here. Once this digit is dialed by the user waiting in queue, it will transfer the call directly to 'Extension' destination

Example: John enters the sales queue. The greeting message explains thatthe user may quit the queue by pressing the digit defined here (e.g. 9) and is transferred directly to the operator or some other destination (set under 'Extension' option).

Extension: Local CloudPBX extension number that is dialed once the 'Exit Digit' is dialed. (ex. John enters the sales queue. The greeting message explains that the user may quit the queue by pressing the digit defined under the 'Exit Digit' option, and be transferred directly to the CloudPBX extension defined here).

Is voicemail: Set whether the exit digit extension is pointing to voicemail.