Hot Desking

Hot Desking is a feature that allows your business the practice of not assigning permanent desks in a workplace, so that employees may work at any available desk.

From a managerial perspective, Hot Desking is attractive because it can cut overhead costs significantly. However, the concept won't work in environments where employees are expected to be in the office most of the time. Furthermore, for some employers, the cost benefits are outweighed by the lack of ability to monitor employee activities. For employees, the system also has both drawbacks and benefits. Many workers are reluctant to give up personal space but others are happy to have more flexibility.

Hot Desking, as CloudPBX feature, is simple as it can be. By dialing proper access code (*555 by default) on any office phone, user will go to an IVR, where it will be asked for extension and pin. Once proper extension / pin combination is entered, phone will be rebooted and auto provisioned with new extension.

If there was any phone already registered with same extension, it will reboot too and auto provisioned with dynamic extension. If extension is in use, phone will reboot once call ends. Phones provisioned with dynamic extension will not be able to dial anything, but Hot Desking IVR. Actually, whatever user dial, it will end up in Hot Desking IVR.


In our example we will use phone Yealink T54S.

  • In CloudPBX GUI Navigate to Settings →UAD

  • Make sure Yealink T54S UAD is enabled.

  • To check the UAD status click on the edit icon corresponding to your phone.

  • Make sure Status is set to Active, Video Support is set to No, Auto-Framing (RTP Packetization) is set to No, Auto provisioning is set to Yes and DHCP is set to Yes.

  • Click on the Save button to save changes.

Hot Desking

Add Hot Desking Device

  • In CloudPBX GUI navigate to Extensions → Hot Desking.

  • Click on Add Hot Desking Device, enter MAC Address, select Device from list and select Location.

  • Click on the Save button to save changes.

Creating Extension

Add Extension:

  • Navigate to Extensions and Click on Add Extension

  • The standard options window will be shown below

  • Select UAD from the select box

  • Select Location: Local or Remote

  • Local is for all extensions registered on the LAN

  • Remote is for all extensions registered from remote networks, WAN, Internet etc.

Extension values:

Enter values into the required field text boxes:

  • Name: Enter a name for the extension being created (Example: John Smith)

  • E-mail: Enter the e-mail address associated with this extension. This e-mail address will receive all system notification messages (Example:

  • Department: Select Department to which the extension will belong

  • Click on the Save button to save changes.

Auto Provisioning

  • Open a browser window and enter your phone IP address in order to access the phone web administration interface login screen. (Example:

  • Login to phone web administration interface with your username and password (factory default login details for Yealink T54S are username: admin and password: admin).

  • Navigate to Settings -> Auto Provision.

  • In Server URL field enter server address (Example:

  • User Name - HTTP username (CloudPBX → Settings → Servers → Auto Provisioning field - HTTP username).

  • Password - HTTP password (CloudPBX GUI → Settings → Servers → Auto Provisioning field - HTTP password).

  • Click on Confirm Button, and then click on Autoprovision Now.

  • By dialing an access code from your phone (*555 is default access code), you will be asked for an extension and PIN. Once the correct extension / PIN combination is entered, the phone will reboot and auto provision with the new extension.