Custom Caller ID which will be displayed on the UAD/Phone of the called party. Any information provided here will override the default Caller ID (Extension number and user name)
System/Network Caller ID
Information provided here will replace default Caller ID information on the System/Network level.
(E.g. Set this option to 'Jake 2007' and call extension 1005, for example. On the display of the 1005 UAD/Phone, 'Jake 2007' will be displayed as a caller id information on system/network level.)
Emergency CallerID
CallerID entered here will be used only for calls to Emergency Services numbers as set on your CloudPBX.
Allowed list of CallerIDs (via App and Access Code)
You can add list of CallerIDs that you would like to allow to be used for outbound calls. This option can be used from Communicator desktop by simply selecting caller ID number from the list in your Communicator client. Although, this option is impractical to use on the deskphone itself you can still use it by entering *65*[Caller ID number as entered in the list]*[Number you wish to dial] on your dialpad.
(E.g. If you have a Caller ID number 61261718151 added to this list, and you would like to dial number 0261718100 using this caller ID you would have to dial *65*61261718151*0261718100)
NOTE: (*65 by default) -> This access code was modified to support the short code CallerIDs. The original way of using it is still supported, but with another pattern added: *65dxxxxxx.
The pattern stands for:
1. *65 is the access code
2. d is the single-digit short code configured on the Extension
3. xxxxxx is the Destination to be dialed
In case no CallerID is matched with the sent short code provided for that Extension, the call will fail. Otherwise, the CallerID associated with that short code will be used.
NOTE: Numbers with the '+' (plus) sign can be added to the field.
Trunk CallerID and Privacy header
For each trunk available on the system, there will be a field in which you may set a custom Caller ID that is used when calling over that specific trunk.
(E.g. 61261718191)
What anonymity to use when setting CallerID on a trunk. If selected option contains Privacy ID that field will be added to SIP header.
Anonymous - puts "anonymous <anonymous>" in trunk CallerID field, which means that CallerID name and number will be anonymous when dialing out of that trunk.
Anonymous with Privacy ID - Same as above but adds Privacy ID to SIP header.
Anonymous with number - Sets “anonymous” to CallerID name but allows showing number.
Anonymous with number and Privacy ID - Same as above but adds Privacy ID to SIP header.