Daily / Monthly Statistics
Statistics can be used to generate detailed information on the number of calls made during the day or an hour. It can also be shown on an extension basis, meaning that when you enter all the desired search information, you will get a list with the number of calls per extension on the system
Daily Statistics - Searching
Daily statistics will list the number of calls on a daily basis. This will show a list of days with the number of calls that were made/received during those days with average call time and graphs.
Date range: Click on the populated dates and select from the following options
Manually selecting a date range by clicking on a calendar
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
This Month
From: Filter results by defining where the call was made from by default All will be included. Multiple numbers can be entered by putting a , between numbers (no space) eg 104,61261718191
NOTE: Depending on the filter type (drop down to the left), you will be able to show calls containing, beginning with, ending with or having the exact (equal) same number(s) as provided in this field.
To: Filter results by defining where the call was made to by default All will be included. Multiple numbers can be entered by putting a , between numbers (no space) eg 104,61261718191
NOTE: Depending on the filter type (drop down to the left), you will be able to show calls containing, beginning with, ending with or having the exact (equal) same number(s) as provided in this field.
CallerID: Filter by CallerID by default All will be included. (ex. "Tech Support" <61261718155>).
NOTE: Depending on the filter type (drop down to the left), you will be able to show calls containing, beginning with, ending with or having the exact (equal) same number(s) as provided in this field.
Trunk: Show the calls filtered on trunk basis. (ex. First select box is used to select technology of the outgoing trunk. Second field is used to enter trunk name for which outgoing calls should be shown. On second select box, select whether the string contains, begins with, ends with or contains exact same match).
Duration (sec) In these fields you can set a range for the duration of the calls in seconds. Also, both fields can be modified depending on the equality signs in select boxes like: >, >=, ==, <=, < (ex. 300 with > would mean to show all calls with duration greater than 5 mins (300 seconds))
TIP: Depending on the selection in the search section, two or three new sections with data will be opened under the search.
Daily Statistics - Results
This table will show the total number of calls per days in the date range selected in the search box.
Daily Statistics Table
DATE: Clickable date for which the total number of calls is shown
TOTAL TIME: Total time of calls on that particular day
TOTAL CALLS: Total number of calls made on that particular day
AVERAGE CALL TIME: Average call time of the calls on that particular day
GRAPHIC: This field shows the graphic representation of all calls on that day, relative to the day that had biggest total call time. Day which had biggest total call time will have 100% bar filling this field and every other day will have a bar relative to this day.
TIP: TOTAL line on the bottom of the table will show the total times of all calls in this date range, total number of calls, and the average call time of all calls in this date range.
Graph button will display the information in a graphical format.
CSV button is used to download CSV formatted file with all the statistics shown on this page.
Daily Statistics - More Detail
More detail information is available by the following options
Clicking on the 'Call Statistics Daily' or similar heading will display individual call details
TENANT: Tenant that the call relates to
DATE/TIME: Date and time of call
TRUNK: Trunk details for call
FROM: From number
CALLER ID: Caller ID for call
TO: To number
DURATION: Duration of call
Clicking on a date will give an hourly breakdown of the calls for that day
TIME: Hour for which the call statistics are shown
TOTAL TIME: Total time of calls in that particular hour
TOTAL CALLS: Total number of calls made in that particular hour
AVERAGE CALL TIME: Average call time of the calls in that particular hour
Monthly Statistics - Searching
Monthly statistics will list the number of calls on a monthly basis. This will show a list of months with the number of calls that were made/received during those months with average call time and graphs.
Date range: Click on the populated dates and select the required month range
From: Filter results by defining where the call was made from by default All will be included. Multiple numbers can be entered by putting a , between numbers (no space) eg 104,61261718191
NOTE: Depending on the filter type (drop down to the left), you will be able to show calls containing, beginning with, ending with or having the exact (equal) same number(s) as provided in this field.
To: Filter results by defining where the call was made to by default All will be included. Multiple numbers can be entered by putting a , between numbers (no space) eg 104,61261718191
NOTE: Depending on the filter type (drop down to the left), you will be able to show calls containing, beginning with, ending with or having the exact (equal) same number(s) as provided in this field.
CallerID: Filter by CallerID by default All will be included. (ex. "Tech Support" <61261718155>).
NOTE: Depending on the filter type (drop down to the left), you will be able to show calls containing, beginning with, ending with or having the exact (equal) same number(s) as provided in this field.
Trunk: Show the calls filtered on trunk basis. (ex. First select box is used to select technology of the outgoing trunk. Second field is used to enter trunk name for which outgoing calls should be shown. On second select box, select whether the string contains, begins with, ends with or contains exact same match).
Duration (sec) In these fields you can set a range for the duration of the calls in seconds. Also, both fields can be modified depending on the equality signs in select boxes like: >, >=, ==, <=, < (ex. 300 with > would mean to show all calls with duration greater than 5 mins (300 seconds))
TIP: Depending on the selection in the search section, two or three new sections with data will be opened under the search.
Monthly Statistics - Results
This table will show the total number of calls per days in the date range selected in the search box.
Monthly Statistics Table
DATE: Month for which the total number of calls is shown
TOTAL TIME: Total time of calls on that particular month
TOTAL CALLS: Total number of calls made on that particular month
AVERAGE CALL TIME: Average call time of the calls during that particular month
GRAPHIC: This field shows the graphic representation of all calls during that month, relative to the month that had most total call time. Month which had biggest total call time will have 100% bar filling this field and every other month will have a bar relative to this month.
TIP: TOTAL line on the bottom of the table will show the total times of all calls in this date range, total number of calls, and the average call time of all calls in this date range.
Graph button will display the information in a graphical format.
CSV button is used to download CSV formated file with all the statistics shown on this page.
Monthly Statistics - More Detail
More detail information is available by the following options
Clicking on the 'Call Statistics Monthly' or similar heading will display individual call details
TENANT: Tenant that the call relates to
DATE/TIME: Date and time of call
TRUNK: Trunk details for call
FROM: From number
CALLER ID: Caller ID for call
TO: To number
DURATION: Duration of call