Apps section will provide overview of Communicator editions usage per extension, it will enable you to use Templates to apply predefined Communicator editions permissions per departments or to use Batch Mode to set up Communicator editions permissions to number of extensions
License Counter
Overview page displays full list of extensions on your CloudPBX system and assigned Communicator editions. This page is added to make editions administration much easier and to help users to make decisions easier in case they need to switch permissions between extensions.
When Communicator Editions and Modules feature was introduced in CloudPBX 4.x a lot of previous problems withCommunicator licensing were solved. For example, now you are able to prevent users from switching to Communicator editions that were not meant to be used with their position in the company, for example, from Business edition to Agent or Supervisor. However, this major feature also created potential problem with migration from older CloudPBX versions to v 4.x. We were not able to simply disable all editions for all extensions on the system and make administrators work things out immediately after deployment in very short time. On big systems, this would most likely cause service downtime which was unacceptable. Because of this, permissions had to be set to default value "ALL", allowing Communicator apps to connect to Communicator in same manner as before, allowing administrators to sort permissions later, gradually and without a rush.
Because of this you should not be concerned in case you see that your license counter for Business edition is showing 17 of 10 (available -7) as displayed in screenshot. This will change to normal values once you sort out permissions on all of your extensions.
Setting Communicator editions permissions one extension at time would be time consuming process so we decided to create two options of adding permissions to multiple extensions at the same time. To do this, you can use Template page and Batch Mode page.
Templates page gives you option to predefine Communicator editions per Department, and to apply them to all extensions that are members of selected department.
For example, in case you would like to enable all extensions that are members of Sales department to use Business and iOS editions of Communicator along with CRM module, Select Sales department from the drop down list, uncheck ALL checkboxes in Editions and Modules sections, and select checkboxes for Business and iOS editions, as well as checkbox for CRM module.
Saving these settings will apply these permissions to all extensions that are members of Sales department. In case some of these extensions need additional permissions, you can edit permissions from extension edit page.
NOTE: Saving permissions for selected departments will apply these values to all extensions that belong to that department. Extensions that might have their permissions changed manually after department template was applied will be excluded from future changes made in this manner. If you need to reapply template to some of these extensions, you can do it from Batch Mode page.
Department: From the drop down list select department you would like to apply new permissions for.
Editions: Select checkboxes for specific Communicator editions to allow members of selected department to use them, select ALL to apply no restrictions to editions usage.
Modules: Select checkboxes for specific Communicator module to allow members of selected department to use them, select ALL to apply no restrictions to modules usage.
Batch Mode
Batch Mode page allows you to add selected set of permissions to specific extensions only, regardless of their department membership. This can be used in situations where selected department members need to use additional Communicator editions.
There are two distinct scenarios where you could utilize Batch Mode:
To reapply department templates to one or more extension that had their permissions manually changed after department template was applied.
To apply specific set of permissions to multiple extensions, regardless of their department membership.
To apply department specific templates to one or more extensions that are members of several different departments, you can select checkbox next to Use department templates and add a list of extensions you would like to set permissions for in Extensions field. Once you click Save rules should be applied to all extensions from your list.
The only difference in scenario where you do not want to use department templates is that you would create wanted set of rules for editions and templates, add extensions to the list and click save. Make sure Use department templates is disabled as otherwise you will not be able to make selection.
Devices page displays full list of all registered devices on your CloudPBX.
Platform: Select to search devices by platform (ex. Android, iOS)
Search: Select how to search device list ( Extension, Platform, Version...)
Extension: Name and number of extension using device (ex. 101(Anthony Smith))
Platform: Which platform is device using (ex.iOS, Android)
Last Update: Time and date when device was last time registered
App ID: Unique ID of application
Version: Version of registered application (ex.5.0)
Public Key: