DIDs are used to point all incoming calls (that come over trunks) to specific system destinations.
DIDs are configured on master tenant and assigned to a slave tenant on which they are going to be used. This screen lists all system DIDs on all tenants with the following details
Tenant: Which tenant is using a DID (ex. Slave #3)
DID/Channel: DID number or a PSTN channel slot number (ex. 1000/1)
Provider: Provider name (ex. SIP TRUNK)
Trunk: Trunk used by a DID (ex.
Destination: Trunk destination and destination network number (ex. Network User - 5000)
Status: DID status (ex. Active/Inactive)
Edit the DID configuration (ex. Click to edit the DID configuration)
Delete a DID from the system (ex. Click to delete a DID from the system)
By selecting the 'Search' Command, the search menu will be displayed. Searches can be done by DID value, Trunk name, Provider name, and Destination value
Search: Search phrase (ex. Provide a search phrase here and hit enter to filter the records)
DID: Should a search filter be applied to DID values (ex. Check the box to search DID values)
Destination: Should a search filter be applied to DID destinations (ex. Check the box to search DID destinations)
Tenant: Should a search filter be applied to Tenant. (ex. Check the box to search Tenants)
Country: Should a search filter be applied to the country field (ex. Check the box to search countries)
State: Should a search filter be applied to the state field (ex. Check the box to search states)
City: Should a search filter be applied to the city field (ex. Check the box to search cities)
Area Code: Should a search filter be applied to the area code field (ex. Check the box to search area codes)
CSV Upload/Download
Here you can create multiple DIDs on the fly by uploading a .csv file with DID details, or you can download csv for present DIDs and review or edit them.
To upload, click on the 'Browse' button, select a .csv file from your computer, click 'Open' and then the 'CSV Upload' button.
CSV file must be in the following format:
These fields are:
tenant - Which tenant will use this DID
nr1 - DID/Channel (start)
nr2 - DID/Channel (end)
dest - The destination field can contain one of the following values (case insensitive and CloudPBX MT will tolerate white spaces if there are more than needed i.e. 'Multi User'):
Multi User
Remote Access
FAX to E-mail
Phone Callback
ext - E-mail/Extension/Value should contain destination value, except if one of the following destinations is selected:
Remote Access - must be one of the following values (case insensitive):
Agent Login
replace_cid - Replace CallerID
trunk - The trunk must contain a valid name of the trunk associated with DID (case sensitive)
status - Status
0 - Active
1 - Not Assigned
strip_N_digits - Strip N digits
queue_priority - Queue Priority
codec - Force Codec. One of following values are acceptable by CloudPBX MT (case sensitive):
ulaw - G.711 ulaw
alaw - G.711 alaw
g723.1 - G.723.1
g726 - G.726
g729 - G.729
gsm - GSM
ilbc - iLBC
speex - Speex
lpc10 - LPC10
h261 - H.261 Video
h263 - H.263 Video
h263p - H.263+ Video
E164nr1 - E.164 number (start)
E164nr2 - E.164 number (end)
area_code - Area Code
Required fields:
DID/Channel (start)
All other fields also must be defined in csv but they can contain empty values.
Download CSV Template
This option will allow you to download the CSV template Download CSV Template that already contains necessary headers which should help you create CSV file that can be used to upload large number of DID entries at once.