
Queue Members and Agents: Pressing button Queue Members and Agents list will open Members and Agents pop up window.

This window is divided into two tables:

      • Available - which is positioned on the left and shows all the extensions on the system not assigned to this queue

      • Members - which is located on the right and shows extensions assigned to this queue

To add a new member to the queue, from this left panel list, select the check box for the queue agent or SIP member that you would like to add to the queue and press 'Add Member' button. This will add the selected agent to the queue member list.

Also, every table has the search ability so you can search for members names, numbers and type.

#: Checkbox which is used to select extensions for adding or removal from queue (ex. Clicking on any checkbox next to an extension will show arrow buttons for adding or removal in the middle which depends on in which table checkbox is selected).

Name: Extension name (ex. Sales 1)

Number: Number of the extension on the system (ex. 1001)

Penalty: This value can be set per member, so the system can decide which priority to use when sending calls to members (ex. Set values between 0 and 10 where 0 is the highest priority and 10 is the lowest priority. If the strategy is defined as 'ringall', then only those available members with the lowest priorities will ring. ).

NOTE: If extension does not pick up it will not automatically go to the next extension. It will keep ringing until it is picked up. It will only go to the next extension if the current extension is either busy or unavailable.

Type: Option used to filter the list by the member type.

Any - displays all entries

Agent - displays only agents entries

SIP - displays only SIP static members (SIP extensions)

IAX - displays only IAX static members (IAX extensions)