Extension Statistics

Extension Statistics - Searching

Available reports showing extension statistics related to 'All Answered Calls', 'All Calls', 'All Unanswered Calls', 'Calls Per Direction', 'Inbound Calls', and 'Internal Calls'.

Date range: Click on the populated dates and select from the following options

  • Manually selecting a date range by clicking on a calendar

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last 7 Days

  • Last 30 Days

  • This Month

Extension: Filters the data by extension(s)

Caller: Filters the data by Caller

Call Duration: Filters data by the call duration. Toggle between less than "<" or more than ">" by clicking the button to the left of the field. Default values are; 10, 20, 30, 60, 120. Custom values can also be entered

Hold Duration: Filters data by the hold duration. Toggle between less than "<" or more than ">" by clicking the button to the left of the field. Default values are; 10, 20, 30, 60, 120. Custom values can also be entered

Time Format: Filters data by the type of date format; 'dd hh mm ss','dd:hh:mm:ss', 'Days', 'Hours', 'Minutes', 'Seconds'

Select type..: From this dropdown select the type of the report to be shown in the Reports table;('Summary', 'Outbound', 'Inbound', 'Internal')

Search reports: Type in the first letters of the report name to be filtered and shown in the Reports table

Selected Reports: To add reports, select one or more reports by clicking the green plus sign from the available reports in the Reports Table. This report(s) will then be moved to the 'Selected reports' section. By clicking the 'Show' button, the selected reports will appear in a new window.

Extension Statistics - Reports

All Answered Calls

Displays details of all answered calls

  • Calls: Total number of calls

  • Talk time: Gives details on talk time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

  • Hold time: Gives details on hold time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

All Calls

Displays details of all calls in two reports

All Calls

  • Talk time: Gives details on talk time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

  • Hold time: Gives details on hold time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

All Calls dispositions

  • Total: Sum of all calls

  • Answered: Sum of answered calls

  • Percentage: Percentage of calls answered

  • Unanswered: Sum of unanswered calls

  • Percentage: Percentage of unanswered calls

All Unanswered Calls

Displays details of all unanswered calls

  • Calls: Total number of calls

  • Hold time: Gives details on hold time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

Calls Per Direction

Displays number of calls grouped per extension

  • Extension: Name and number of the extension

  • Direction: Clicking on a row will expand the row to display calls by direction ('Incoming External', 'Incoming Internal', 'Outgoing Internal', 'Outgoing External')

  • Calls: Total of calls for each type number, answered, unanswered.

  • Talk time: Gives details on talk time of calls - total, average (mean) and average delay (mean delay)

Inbound Calls

Displays details of inbound calls in two reports

Inbound Calls

  • Talk time: Gives details on talk time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

  • Hold time: Gives details on hold time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

Inbound Calls dispositions

  • Total: Sum of all calls

  • Answered: Sum of answered calls

  • Percentage: Percentage of calls answered

  • Unanswered: Sum of unanswered calls

  • Percentage: Percentage of unanswered calls

Internal Calls

Displays number of internal calls grouped per extension

  • Extension: Name and number of the extension

  • Direction: Clicking on a row will expand the row to display calls by direction ('Incoming' or 'Outgoing')

  • Calls: Total of calls for each type number, answered, unanswered.

  • Talk time: Gives details on talk time of calls - total, average (mean) and average delay (mean delay)

Outbound Calls

Displays details of outbound calls in two reports

Outbound Calls

  • Talk time: Gives details on talk time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

  • Hold time: Gives details on hold time of calls - total, minimum (min), maximum (max) and average (mean)

Outbound Calls dispositions

  • Total: Sum of all calls

  • Answered: Sum of answered calls

  • Percentage: Percentage of calls answered

  • Unanswered: Sum of unanswered calls

  • Percentage: Percentage of unanswered calls

Extension Statistics - Results & More Detail

Report information will be displayed as per the above report information

More detail information is available by the following options

Clicking on the heading of the report (centre of page) will display individual call details

        • Linked ID: Event ID

        • Date: Date and time of call

        • Extension: Name and number of the extension

        • Remote Number: Number that was dialled

        • Wait time: Time caller waited for the call to be answered

        • Talk Time: Duration of call

        • Conference: Will display 'yes' if it was a conference call

        • Call Type: Type of call (Incoming Internal, Incoming External, Outgoing Internal, Outgoing External)

Buttons to the right

  • More: Drills down to get more information summarised by smaller time periods

  • Graph: Display the information in a graphical format

  • CSV: Download CSV formatted file with all the statistics shown