Call Control

These options set the number of simultaneous incoming and outgoing extension calls

Incoming Limit: Sets the maximum number of simultaneous incoming calls. If an extension receives more incoming calls than set here, they are all redirected to the extension voice-box (ex. 2)

Outgoing Limit: Sets the maximum number of simultaneous outgoing calls. The outgoing call can be placed on hold and another call can be made from the same extension. However, this feature has to be supported by the UAD/Phone (ex. 2)

Busy level: Maximum number of concurent calls until the user/peer is considered busy. This option is not intended for blocking calls, but for displaying user/peer status properly, for example in BLF.

Play sound on exceeded limit: If you try to make more calls than allowed in the Outgoing Limit, you will be played a message that the limit has been exceeded.

Send e-mail on exceeded limit: Whether or not to send a notification mail on the exceeded limit.

Notification e-mail: E-mail address to which notification mail should be sent if the number of calls exceed the limit. (ex.

IAX Extensions only

IAX Call Control

Notransfer: Prohibit Asterisk from stepping out of the media path and connecting the two endpoints directly to each other. This, of course, affects your CDR and billing information

Send ANI: Whether to send ANI along with CallerID

Trunk: Whether to use IAX trunking. IAX Trunking needs support of a hardware timer