RMID0914 Additional VDSL2 Features Consultation

Consultation on the introduction of additional VDSL2 features to the nbn™ FTTN and FTTB access networks.

The proposed features are Save Our Showtime (SOS) and Robust Overhead Channel (ROC), which are expected to improve network performance resilience of services by reducing loss of service (resyncs) due to sudden large increases in noise.

Update 25 June 2021

AS many of you are aware, NBN Co will be implementing a SOS (Save our Showtime) and ROC (Robust Overhead Channel) upgrade of VDSL2 (FTTN/FTTB) services (SOS/ROC Upgrade).

The purpose of the upgrade is to prevent dropouts due to sudden large noise bursts, thereby improving service stability.

The SOS/ROC Upgrade was expected to commence on 1 July 2021 but now has been pushed back to 31 January 2022.

Draytek SOS & ROC Update


Later model VDSL2 routers such as the Vigor2765 and Vigor2865 series routers fully support the new NBN requirements but will need to be enabled manually via a telnet command.

Older model routers such as the Vigor2760, Vigor2860 series and Vigor130 will require firmware updates to support this new requirement.

The Vigor2762 and Vigor 2862 will provide a stable VDSL2 connection with the current firmware but DrayTek will also be working on providing updated firmware for these models.

DrayTek routers affected by this change should continue to operate normally until then.

We will keep you updated in the coming months with new developments as they become available.

UPDATE 06/09/2021

Later model VDSL2 routers such as the Vigor2765 and Vigor2865 series routers fully support the new NBN requirements but will need to be enabled manually via a telnet command. DrayTek will be releasing new firmware where this feature is enabled by default. So, it will be best to wait for the new firmware, which should be available within the next couple of months

Older model routers such as the Vigor2620L, Vigor2760, Vigor2860 series and Vigor130 will require firmware updates to support this new requirement.

New firmware or the Vigor2760 and Vigor130 is now available for download. This new firmware supports bi-directional dynamic SRA allowing the router to have a stable connection on a SOS/ROC enabled VDSL line.

Firmware details are:



Annex A Model: VDSL2 57c817, ADSL 575a11. SOS-ROC compatible- Australia




Annex A Model -57c817_575a11 -SOS-ROC compatible


Vigor2620L / Vigor2860

Firmware for these routers should be available later this month

The Vigor2762 and Vigor 2862 will provide a stable VDSL2 connection with the current firmware version.

We will keep you updated in the coming months of any new developments as they become available.

Proscend SOS & ROC Update

The official report by NBNCo regarding the expected update:

Proscend PS180-T VDSL SFP device with older firmware failed to negotiate synchronization at all once SOS and ROC was enabled on the DSLAM port.

RSPs with services identified with these devices (approximately 700 network wide) will be notified to coordinate an update or replacement of these devices before network SOS/ROC deployment occurs.

Our Technical Sales team have been liaising with Proscend and Metanoia support since receiving this alert last week, and we can now confirm that all relevant manufacturer parties are aware of the situation and are developing field-updatable firmware to address the issue.

When the new firmware and upgrade instructions become available, we'll post link to all components here - so please do watch this space if you think you may be affected!