User Setup
In this guide, we are using the Kinnekt UC branded solution, however your direct providers information will be shown instead.
Once the Direct Routing and PBX have been setup, you can start configuring Microsoft Teams users onto their extensions on the CloudPBX.
Select USERS on the left hand side.
You will then see all the users on the Microsoft account, you will also see all the Microsoft licences against each user. Two green ticks means they have a Common Phone Licence assigned to that user, or they have the E5 licence which comes with the Phone licence automatically.
Adding User is where you add the CloudPBX extension details for the specific Microsoft Teams user you are adding.
Select the PBX you have created
Select the AU East route
Select the Teams User you are creating
Add the full CloudPBX extension number of the User (Tenant + Extension) in the Phone Number
Add the full CloudPBX extension number of the User (Tenant + Extension) in the SIP User and SIP Authentication ID
Add the CloudPBX extensions secret (found in the CloudPBX extensions Authentication area).
It is recommended to Disable Voicemail in Teams, however if you prefer to use the Teams Voicemail, leave this unticked.
Once you have added the user, you will see the Connector Provisioning the User and Managing the Calling settings in Microsoft Teams.
When the provisioning is completed, you will see that the Teams Registration is now a GREEN phone symbol, this means the Voice component of Microsoft Teams for that user is configured and operational.
For the next 60 seconds, you will see the PBX Registration have a RED cross, however it will eventually turn to a GREEN tick as below.
Once this has happened, your Teams user will be able to make and recieve calls from the CloudPBX extension.
When the user next logs into their Microsoft Teams application or via their online access, you will see that the new Teams Application is available.
The user will be able to make and recieve calls from the built in dial pad.
To add more users, simply complete this process again.