PBX Setup

In this guide, we are using the Kinnekt UC branded solution, however your direct providers information will be shown instead.

The next step is to setup the PBX you are connecting to.

Select PBX on the left hand side, then click ADD PBX

In this example we are using pbx1.cloudkinnekt.com.au, however please contact your Partner or Reseller to verify what this should be.

Select the PBX Type as Asterisk
Name the PBX Location (if you are connecting to multiple)
In this example we are going to use UDP and Port 5060, but you could use TLS and Port 5061 and TLS is recommended for security reasons.
Set the Voicemail Feature Code to *123 as this is the CloudPBX default.
Leave the Codecs as they are and click SAVE SETTINGS

This is all you need to do for the PBX setup, the next step is to setup the connection between each Microsoft Teams user and their CloudPBX extension.